5 Proven Ways to Insulate Your Booster Club from Embezzlement

This week in my home state, a story broke of a band booster treasurer who embezzled nearly $34,000 from her organization. Over a period of twenty-one months, she issued herself unauthorized booster club checks and used the funds for her own personal benefit. The sad truth is that this is not an isolated incident. Booster club embezzlement is a crime that is widespread among organizations from coast to coast.

How Can a Booster Organization Insulate Itself from Embezzlement?

The best way to prevent theft and fraud is to make it difficult to commit theft and fraud. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Well, as simple as it sounds, this is where many booster organizations fail. They do not build proper checks and balances into their operating procedures.

Transparency is the foundation of a booster organization’s financial integrity. Therefore, separate financial roles and reporting among two or more people. Auditors refer to this as separation of duties.

Here are five best practices to help booster organizations separate financial duties:

Are You Doing This to Make a Sale?

Do your booster parents cringe at the thought of selling goods for a fundraiser? Had they rather make a donation than sell their recommended quota? Have YOU ever had these thoughts yourself?

Through the years, the sales profession has gotten a bad name. When we think of sales, we often conjure up images of the used car salesman in an ill fitting plaid jacket. Puffing on his cheap cigar, we’ve all heard his manipulative sales pitch, pressing us to buy something we don’t want.

Many of us have that perception of sales, but we have the opportunity to change that perception within our organization. Rather than manipulating people to buy things they don’t want, we have the opportunity to influence and guide people to buy things they already want. The truth is, many people are more than willing to support student organizations. Therefore, we must prepare our students and parents to win at sales.

It’s hard to be nervous when your heart’s on service.Rory Vaden

The Secret to Abundant Fundraising

Ask any coach or instructor what they need the most from their booster organization and they’ll likely tell you funding. It’s a fact – student programs simply cannot operate without sufficient funding. Funding is the fuel that powers student programs.

As booster leaders, our success is measured by the amount of funding we bring in to the student program. But how can we be sure that we’ll achieve our fundraising goals? What is it that drives abundant fundraising?

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.Henry Ford