The Difference You Can Make In the Lives of Students, Instructors, and School Administrators

In my last post, we focused on the benefits that booster leadership provides you, the individual. Today, let’s look at how booster leadership benefits students, instructors, and school administrators.

Benefits that Booster Leadership Offers Students

Teenagers have an innate need for acceptance and belonging. A great deal of their self-esteem comes from their association with a group. In extracurricular programs, teenagers learn to cooperate together for the greater good of the group. When the group succeeds, each individual feels the pride of their collective accomplishment.

Here are three major benefits that extracurricular programs offer students.

  1. Students will develop a well-rounded foundation of experiences and skills that are sought after by colleges and employers. They’ll have the opportunity to participate in activities that may influence their future careers. And, they’ll learn to approach future endeavors with passion.
  2. Students will learn to set and achieve short-term and long-term goals. In the process, they’ll develop discipline and establish a solid work ethic, learn to manage time and prioritize tasks, and learn the importance of honoring commitments.
  3. Students will encourage others, celebrate wins, and learn from losses. Individually, they’ll challenge themselves to excel in their activity. Along their journey, they’ll develop and maintain friendships, and create a lifetime of memories.

Benefits That Booster Leadership Offers Instructors

Thriving booster organizations offer instructors – teacher, coaches, and staff members – peace of mind. Instructors rely on booster organizations to meet many of their program’s needs. If there’s a chance those needs will not be met, it’s likely to keep instructors up at night.

Booster organizations support instructors by providing

  1. Volunteer labor. Whether serving Gatorade, working fundraisers, or keeping the books, parent volunteers fill the roles that are vital to the operation of an extracurricular program. Even parents that don’t volunteer can support the program – and instructors – by getting their children to practice on time and making sure they’re well prepared.
  2. Funding for the program. An extracurricular program’s expenses add up fast. The booster organization is responsible for leading fundraisers to meet the program’s financial needs. It is prudent for instructors to maintain an “arm’s length” distance from booster funds. Thriving booster organizations support their instructors by leading financial activities with integrity.
  3. Encouragement. Instructors dedicate their lives and careers to training the next generation. Every day, they selflessly pour themselves into the lives of our children. However, instructors cannot continually pour out without being replenished themselves. Proactive parents find unique ways to encourage and support instructors, many times when it is least expected.

Benefits That Booster Leadership Offers School Administrators

School administrators – school board members, employees, and principals – are responsible for establishing budgets and overseeing day-to-day operations. Taxpayer funding is limited, and many school systems do not have the funds required to operate extracurricular programs. They rely on booster organizations to fill the funding gap.

Booster organizations often conduct capital fundraising campaigns for major expenses, such as replacement uniforms, scoreboards, all-terrain vehicles, and trailers. Occasionally, booster organizations even take on construction and remodeling projects. It is not uncommon for these capital fundraising campaigns to span across multiple years.

Booster organizations also help meet a program’s day-to-day expenses. For example, when I was booster president, our annual budget was $70,000. Only $5,000 of that was provided by the school board, and there were stipulations that those funds had to be spent on student instruction (sheet music, etc.). School board funds could not be allocated toward transportation, uniforms, or equipment. Don’t take it that I’m ungrateful for school board funding – it’s not that at all. I’m simply demonstrating how booster organizations support school administrators by meeting the financial needs of extracurricular programs.

Now that you’ve seen the tremendous benefits that booster organizations provide students, instructors, and administrators, it’s time to act. Volunteer today – either for the first time or to increase your level of responsibility. When you do, you’ll experience the personal satisfaction and pride of making a difference in many people’s lives.

Question: How is your booster organization supporting its students, instructors, and administrators? You can leave a comment by clicking here.