Four Reasons Why Booster Leadership is Good for You

In his book, Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, Simon Sinek says, “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe.”1 This is especially true in booster leadership.

Here I am with my daughter, Katelyn.

Here I am with my daughter, Katelyn.

There is one overarching requirement for every booster leader: you’ve gotta love it. You have to be passionate about the student program your booster organization supports. The driving force behind your every action must be a commitment to serve the students.

When you are fully committed to serve the students in your program, you will realize personal benefits. Here are four reasons why booster leadership is good for you:

  1. You will play an active role in your own child’s life. The teenage years pass all too quickly. As you near the end of this season in both of your lives, take the opportunity to be involved and to create memories with your child. This is something you will never regret.
  2. Your child will be respected by his or her peers. There is an interesting dynamic that goes along with effective booster leadership. Students within the program will respect your leadership, and will also show respect toward your child. Peer acceptance among teenagers can be a huge boost to their self-esteem.
  3. You will help other students grow and mature. Many of life’s lessons are learned outside the classroom. When you support an extracurricular program, you create the opportunity for students to learn those valuable life lessons.
  4. You will set an example of service for the students. You may not consider yourself a role model, but rest assured, young eyes are paying close attention to the example you set. While you are busy meeting your program’s needs, you will show the students how to lead. In effect, you are paying it forward, setting the model for their future leadership.

When you volunteer to lead your child’s booster organization, you’ll experience the personal satisfaction and fulfillment of helping someone else succeed. Take advantage of your opportunity to do something truly significant. Volunteer now and make a lasting impact on the next generation!

Question: What benefits have you realized from leading your child’s booster organization? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

1 Simon Sinek, Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action (New York: Penguin Group, 2009).